Friday, November 4, 2011

Staycation: Days 5 & 6

Oops, I got a bit behind on the posting. I've been busy!! So, days 5 and 6 consisted of hammering, hammering and a bit more hammering. Then we hammered some more. But the roof is done now, just in time for the rain this week! My dad and I got the tar paper on and then hammered more shingles on than I care to think about. It looks great. I'm thinking about permanently leaving the ladder there so I can hang out up there and watch the planes go by and my neighbors smoke weed aallllllllllll day long. You learn a lot hanging out on a roof for days at a time.

My mom finished putting the hooks on the curtains on Saturday and they look great! I really am happy with them and it's nice to have a bit of privacy at night now (my neighbors across the street probably appreciate it too, haha). Then my mom cleaned my house while I was gone. Ah, I love my parents.

It was a good week of work, followed up with much needed hang out time with my friends on Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. Going back to work on Monday was not easy and then I got really lazy this week! Aaaaahh, I need to keep up the momentum. I didn't get all of my to-do list done (big surprise) so there's still lots of work to do. I feel good about what we did finish though. It was a lot. Thanks awesome parents!


  1. It looks great! I want to come help you with your back yard. And I want to plant grasses in my back yard, too. What are you doing next Saturday (the 12th)?

  2. Oooh . . . nice roof! I want to see the curtains in real life. How fun to have gotten so much done. And going back to real life is always the worst! You gotta EASE in!

  3. I tried unsuccessfully to post a comment from Ian's computer. Let's see if this works now that I'm back home. Anyway...I love all the photos as well as the finished products. Helping with the curtains was really fun. I love the fabric and design that you chose. Perfect. And you and dad always make a great team. Makes this mom proud:)
